Saturday, October 28, 2006

Update & Incremental Disclosure

I talked to Madison's mother Lisa today.  The plan is to proceed with the transplant the first of the year.  They are putting Madsie on the Donor match list.  The idea is to try and find a kidney that is a closer match to Madison.  If they can't find one by the time of the surgery they will go ahead and use Lisa's.

The result from the bone marrow aspirate was clear.  The procedure for the biopsy was somehow missed and is likely to be rescheduled shortly.  More pins and needles for the family.

I"m anxiety ridden.  The magic date was met and now the delay is putting me over the top.  I'm feeling all the, "can't wait till it happens" jitters the family must be going through.

The new information about closer tissue match not being disclosed when we first heard about the postponement leads me to believe the Doctors are managing the amount of information disclosed.  They appear to be protecting the family from too much information; possibly upsetting information.

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